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Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Three years ago Joel and I set out on a new journey. Now three years later it's 10:15pm and I'm snuggling the most precious gift on earth! 

As Annabelle is sleeping on my chest I can't help but think back to my childhood. Everybody that came and gone. Who made major impacts. From my church family to my Huntington family. To my parents support system. All my mistakes that helped formed me into the adult I am today- wonder what mistakes Miss Annabelle will make :). With each mistake was followed by a lesson learned and each accomplishment was followed by a memorable moment. Today my parents babysat Annabelle so Joel and I could go on a date. It ended with a painful pumping session! Now I know why people buy car adapters and pump while they are out. We went to Art Bayou in Kalamazoo, had dinner at OP and saw Kingsmen. All around it was a great day! I painted a Jar mug. I was going to make a mommy mug but a Subshine mug felt more fiting. Joel and I always sing "you are my sunshine". Brings me back to the warm and fuzzy dating dates. Today we laughed over horrible pick up lines, Ex's and our awkward moments. Marriage life has been an enjoyable uphill battle. It hasn't been easy but no one said it would. It takes work. We love on the hard days and smile on the easy. 

Everyday of my pregnancy there was always something new. Woke up each day wondering what would be different. All my health issues surprisingly went to sleep. That was until today. Guess feeling like 30 below in Michigan they decided to come out to play. As we snuggle with a heating pad, each achy-each pain makes it all worth it in some strange way. Our bodies are comparable of so much! 

Tomorrow we embark on pocket cloth diapers. I've done crazy amounts of research and can't wait to place our order and let you know how it all turns out! 

Hope everyone was able to stay warm and enjoy their Valentine's Day with the ones that matter most. 

