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Late night snuggles

I may be a little late but this video just came across my newsfeed today and I just love it! Take a second and watch it for yourself :

The beauty of parenting is being able to find what works best for you and your family. I'm learning it takes trial and error. I think at times we all get so wrapped in what we believe to be parenting, we lose sight in whats and think it's whats best for everyone. Just like some cloth-some disposable. Some nurse-others use formula. Some babywear- others carry. I think you get the point and where I'm going with this. What's most important is always putting your kiddo/kiddos needs first. Doing what's best for your family and not what's best for the outside world. I think that's what I'm enjoying so much about motherhood so far. But know matter what you believe it's important to remember we're all on the same side. Judgement only ends one way.

Yesterday Annabelle and I attended our first  La Leche League (LLL) meeting. It was such a good experience. We've been having such a hard time with Annabelle latching. Figuring out if it's a tongue tie or her jaw is just off a little. We decided to wait a little longer than re-look at her tie and in the meantime, were going to the chiropractor for some adjustments. There's been minor changes but we are moving in the right direction. She had 40 weeks and 2 days to learn everything about me. Now it's time I get to learn all about her. Two nights away we had such a rough time. Nursing for three hours but I made sure to wake up yesterday with a fresh mind. I like to make sure I wake up everyday with a fresh mind and remind myself we are still learning each other. Last night we took a bath and nursed during. It was such a good nursing session! Normally she has her meltdown around 10pm but instead she was in her crib, sleeping by 10:20! She slept till 3:30am, waking herself up to eat. I was so surprised! On our good nights she normally sleeps for 2-2 1/2 hours so this mama was one happy mama this morning.

As we continue to cloth, Joel and I are finding we like AIO's better. Just makes it quicker and easier. We had a goal of three months, roughly around the time she would grow out of all the prefolds. At that time we were going to evaluate and see if this is something we want to continue. We are only two weeks in and we are really enjoying cloth diapering but we defiantly need to revisit what styles we want to order moving forward. So now I get go back to the drawing board and look at what is best.

In exciting news, my sister got engaged yesterday. Turned 31 and got engaged! Talk about one heck of a birthday present. I couldn't be happier for you. She had to kiss my frogs till she found her prince charming. Brandon is so good to her. Their offer on their house just got approved. So many exciting things are happening in her life right now and my heart is just so so happy!

Hope you continue to follow our journey,
Mama Bear 
