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It's okay to fail

Motherhood doesn't come with a learning manual. There's no one around to tell you what's right or what's wrong. The most scariest part so far is having to  trust myself and know what I am doing is what's best for Annabelle at that every second. 

When Annabelle was laid on my chest for the first time it's a moment I wish I could of frozen in time. She was pure. She was untouched. She already ran our world before her first cry. And then her Dino cry let roar. She made sure the world knew Annabelle Rose was born and ready to give us a run for our money. Joel and I were blessed to have my mom come stay with us the first week while Joel returned back to work. 

First came the jiggers than the baby blues. Breaking down in bed bath and beyond over coffee markers, that was the highlight of my first week. I've been so hard on myself this past week that this week I am challenging myself not to be too hard on myself. Nursing has been a challenge; getting her to latch and a possible tongue tie. Learning to function on 4 hours of sleep is tricky. Cloth diapering. All things that can't be mastered in a day, let alone in a week. We both are learning about each other. She had 40weeks and two days to learn about me. My likes, dislikes, my voice. But now it's time we learn about each other together. 

We just finished our first weekend cloth diapering and man does it feel good! I know the photo is a little much! But I'm so proud. Joel and I problem solved together with a little help and figured out our first issue with our dipes. There was just a few times Joel and I pulled out a disposable but we did it!  Mom and Joel were there supporting every step of the way. I think so far it's been so challenging because I've put so much on my shoulders being a ftm. But it's okay to fail. It's okay not to fold the prefold just right. It's okay to cry as long as I wipe the tears and pick myself back up. 

So far I've found fitted are great at night but we only have one of those so we've been using AIO's at night to help make the changing faster. Newspaper fold for the prefolds have been working well. One of these days I'll master the Jelly Roll! Had one major blow out yesterday but that was bound to happen sooner or later. 

I hope you continue to follow our journey!
