The other day I was faced with bottle feeding Annabelle at home and not in the community but what followed I didn't see coming. The following feeding when nursing, she looked up at me with her big beautiful sparkling blue eyes; I cried. She was satisfied. Something she doesn't receive with the bottle. When I return back to work I plan on pumping but nursing at night. This skin crawling feeling has taken ahold of me but when faced with decisions, I never take a decisions lightly. So like most I went to the Internet, Google and facebook. To know this feeling has a name, D-MER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex: a condition affecting lacating women that is characterized by an abrupt dysphoric or negative emotions) and arousal. Although there is no pleasure with a soft latch, our bodies do crazy things even when we tell it not to. I was embarrassed at first but then I realized why am I embarrassed?!. With that led me to "my daughter is sucking on my nipple". It never weirde...
From PPD and D-MER to life as a momma of 2. Enjoy :) It continues to be my outlet to speak my truth and heal. Xo