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My love letter to Motherhood.

                                           Our life is made up of a 7 letter word :: c-h-o-i-c-e-s Do we go left or do we go right - long way to work or short way. As a mom I am faced with not only my own daily choices but choices on behalf of Lincoln and Annabelle. Choices are our foundation to the next choice we make. One foot in front of the other, that is the choice I made and continue to make. I was face with a choice to let my situation define me or choose to make the best of the situation and come out on the other side, write my own ending and not let it define me. When I got married, I made the choice for sickness and in health, richer or for poorer. My choices became Joel’s and Joel’s became mine. He didn’t have to let my highs and lows become his but he did. Even when it was not easy, on nights when my PPD reached its highest. he chose to stand by me eve...
Recent posts

Raising my tribe

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Those beauitful moments

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Radio Silence

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Beauty of Tiger Stripes

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