How do I not let something consume me. I didn't realize how bad my D-MER was until today. It rid it's ugly head again and again and again. My milk was continue to letdown many times while shopping and trying to get the house together so we could go get our new mattress. I couldn't let go. It's embrassing. I felt like a kid. Getting mad because joel was doing this or that. Or getting mad because the wash cycle wasn't complete, things totally out of my contol. Anger just filled me and now looking back I'm so exhausted. Nursing surprisily was the one time I felt at peace in the last few hours. Knowing tomorrow is just hours away, I'm not ready to go back to work. Anixety has hit its all time max. Joel was trying to be nothing but supportive but it was like for the first time I turned into this whole other person. D-MER is still so new and although people are open to talk about it there's not that much support. I think my next order of business today is trying to find a support group on facebook or reach out to my local LLL to see if there are some other women in my community. I feel like a kid that just had a HUGE body is just so worn out. Mentally and physically I'm ready for bed at 3:30pm. But it's time I pick myself back up. I will not let this ruin me, my marriage or my nursing relationship. I need to stay determined and not let this take over me. I will not. Picking myself up from my boot straps.
From PPD and D-MER to life as a momma of 2. Enjoy :) It continues to be my outlet to speak my truth and heal. Xo
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