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The SAD truth

When I threw my rock at The Climb, I knew it was going to take a lot more than just throwing a rock into the water. It was going to take hard work, blood, sweat and tears. The sad truth, it's time to let breastfeeding go. It has fueled sadness, anger, happiness. What I wouldn't do to go back to waking up every two hours nursing her. To feel that successful latch again. But that is not where we are anymore and that is okay too. So to the Mommas that miss that latch, I support you. To the Mommas pumping every two hours to only get 5 ML, I support you. To the Mommas crying as they make a formula bottle (many Harvard graduates were formula fed babies), I support you. To the Mommas that "need" their body back, I support you. 

The one thing I take away from all this is the experience. It's been a painful joy and I wouldn't change any minute of it. To my pumpling, momma thanks you baby girl. Next Thursday will mark our six month breastfeeding journey. I reached two of my goals, one month and six month. Sadly we won't make it to my year goal. As I'm mourning this loss, I'm reminiscing the memories and lessons learned. Parenthood isn't taught, there's no manual. You live and you learn. Am I sad it's almost over, yes! I wish I was an over supplier and could continue but for my own health and for my family, it's time to say goodbye. So has I'm weaning and saving those ML's for a cold....I look back at my breastfeeding journey and thank my village. It truly takes a village to raise a child. 

To the Mommas up late pumping, pump on. To the Mommas up late enjoying a glass of wine, drink up. To the Mommas up mourning, it's okay to mourn but don't mourn too long. There's a whole world out there to explore!! It's time I take my life back and I hope you will to!

