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My little girl of mine....

Oh my precious baby girl. Just as soon as I think we have it worked out something else gets thrown into the mix. You continue to push and test every fiber in my body.

I think I beat Annabelle on who could cry harder tonight. We are going through our four month growth spurt. I've been pumping every hour and half with little output. Friday we went to Ann Arbor and got her tongue tie clipped. She latched right away! First time in two weeks. When we got home we followed it up with a full nurse! She hasn't been able to empty my breast in a very long time! Baby steps. Rest of the weekend she's been running the show and I've been pumping. We had to get into our donor stash. Our liquid gold is quickly disappearing. Every drop of donor is worth millions! 

More stressiors have entered into the mix questioning can I continue to EP and work. Finding the time to really sit down and pump is taking longer and longer. 30 mins each session is harder to find. Trying to cut finances where we can is tempting but $200 extra is needed a week. 

We all have this "plan" for our babies before they are born and when the "plan" doesn't go as plan it's like mourning a family member. I am able to provide for her. My breast are "perfect" in the words of my LC but we can't work together, not right now. I don't wanna give up in hopes working to relatch will soon become successful again! But that involves keeping my pumps up and even extending/adding. I can see why so many Mommas quit when returning to work. Some work places are just not welcoming or they just can't find the time to really sit down and pump a full session. 

Annabelle is asleep on my chest. This little human is counting on me. How dare I think of giving up but when do I finally come to terms of where we are. She's had four months of just Mommas milk! Every ounce is worth something! 

I always appropriated my mom but after these four short months...there's no words to describe how much I appropriate my mom so much more now! 

I think Annabelle's finally in a nice deep sleep. Time for us both to get some rest.

Nurse on Mommas! 
