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Keep Calm & Pump On.

(To some this photo would just be 4 ounces of Breastmilk but to me it shows my lazy breast is now just 10 ML shy of the other so under suppliers DON'T give up!!! With dedication anything is possible!) 

A week ago I was hooked up to my trusty pump around the clock. A's going through her fourth month growth spurt following her tongue tie clip. All I wanted her to do was latch and all she wanted to eat. Due to A's TT my supply tanked! Along with my D-MER it was best to put nursing on pause. We are now up to one nurse a day. Nighttime comfort nursing. Following her WC, our LC thought it was best we supplement. We were able to get her weight up but than she plateau and my body is having a hard time producing more than 22 ounces a day and she needs 27-29 ounces a day. Joel's been in Dearborn finishing up his last week of training so luckily I had my mom to hold my hand. Each step closer to the cashier the hard it was to keep myself together. Crying over a can of formula. Is the bottle half empty of half full? 

Luckily A's not rejecting the formula but isn't fully enjoying it either. Chowing down BM like it's still the best thing ever! Which makes this momma one HAPPY momma.  Today at lunch my good friend asked me "what's been the hardest thing". My mom recently asked me too. I would deliver without pain meds any day compared to having to make the hardest decisions. The hardest decisions are the ones we don't want to make but have to. 

Since supplementing for five days now, I have stored up to 18 ounces & 20 ML's! I am hopefull that once this can is complete there will be a nice little stash stored in the freezer. I am glad I've been able to grow thick skin over the last few months. Typically the hurt comments and the peer pressure would have broken me down and I would have given in but I've been able to continue to pump on. Everyone has difference views on what they believe is the "right" way to raise ones child. But what some forget to realize is everyone is different. It's a mean world out there and the last thing we need to do is to judge someone for their choices/views they've decided for their kid/kiddios. 

As A and I work to get our nurse relationship back to were it "was". I can't help but be scared the ugly beast will return. Since switching to EP, my D-MeR has really mellowed out. I may get one spell a day. I continue just to take one day at a time. Honestly that's the only thing we all can do. If the beast makes a fulltime appearance again then I won't be welcoming it back with open arms but I won't back down either! 

 Enjoy and stay safe this weekend while celebrating the true meaning of Memorial Day. 


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