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First Time Cloth Mama

When Joel and I found out I was pregnant we were over joyed but then came the fun part, the decisions. We knew for sure the one thing we wanted was to keep everything as natural and chemical free. We originally set out to diaper with Earth's Best or Honest disposables but like most families its expensive. Joel and I had a long hard talk and decided pamper swaddles it will be. That was until I had one of my famous 2am potty breaks during my pregnancy! I found myself laying in bed reading mommy blogs and the light bulb turned on, cloth diapers! The more I looked into it, the more I realized this is for getting Joel on board was my only concern. To my surprise he didn't blink. He was on board and ready to go. Very supportive, one of the many reasons why I love him so much! But then came the hard part. All the different types: fitted, prefolds, covers, AIOs, AI2s, pockets...the list goes on and on. Hemp or organic cotton. All very overwhelming for a first timer, let alone a FTM. Luckily it's 2014 and there's tons of blogs out there and mom groups on Facebook that made the process WAY easier and a little less stressful. 

So a few weeks ago I took the plunge and charged the card but has I was typing in my information it dawned on me, its more than just cloth diapers. We want to be able to provide the best for Annabelle. Along with adding first time parent jiggers into the mix. As I started my own cloth diaper journey it starts up conversations and questions from other people. So I have decided to blog our first year of parenthood mixed with cloth diapers. Right now our goal is three months with hopes to continue. We will start off cloth diapering part time during the day till our disposables run out. I went through I settled on the imagine newborn starter pack: (2) 6 xsmall prefolds, (2) small prefolds, 4 covers, 1 fitted, 1 pocket and 1 AIO. I also purchased 2 (2) ramparooz AIO newborns, a packet of snappi fasteners, imagine baby leggings and 2 pail liners so I am able to switch one out while washing the other. We decided just to go with a simple diaper pail but that was our own decision. I know some like the hanging liners or the more pricier pails. All that for $201 with free shipping and since I spent over $200 we received a medium planet wise wet bag for free. All and all I am very happy with our first cloth diaper purchase and felt like a kid on Christmas waiting for it to arrive.

Miss Annabelle was born 01.16.2015, 19 1/2" and 7lbs 8oz. My water broke at 12:33am of the 16th and started pushing at 11am. If only I trusted myself and started pushing sooner Annabelle may have made her grand entrance earlier than 12:26pm. Today she is two weeks old, 8 lbs 1 ounce. Nursing and getting her weight up has been a struggle but we got there! No one said you'll get there on the first try, practice makes prefect with a few failed attempts in between. They definitely don't warn you enough of your emotions but I looking back I do wish I would of gave myself a little more credit and had a little more faith in myself. C-Section, Vaginal birth with or without epidural, it's ALL hard work. I give it to moms who go through C-Sections! That's major surgery.  I set out to only have pain IV to help get me through the contractions and delivered Annabelle vaginal with no epidural and I did just that. Again not saying women who have epidurals or C-sections aren't strong enough because labor is no walk in the park no matter how you cut the cake!  But this was my decision and I am glad I stuck to it. When I felt Annabelle on my chest for the first time, it was such an overwhelming experience. I wish I could experience it everyday. Joel's face light up like the fourth of July and we met our daughter for the first time crying her little dinosaur cry.

We will start CD this weekend. I started to CD this week but with my emotions of being a FTM and nursing, I voted and decided it's best to breathe and start again this weekend with the help of my parents and Joel supporting and being around.  

I am looking forward to sharing our journey with you all,

Mama Bear
