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Showing posts from January, 2015

First Time Cloth Mama

When Joel and I found out I was pregnant we were over joyed but then came the fun part, the decisions. We knew for sure the one thing we wanted was to keep everything as natural and chemical free. We originally set out to diaper with Earth's Best or Honest disposables but like most families its expensive. Joel and I had a long hard talk and decided pamper swaddles it will be. That was until I had one of my famous 2am potty breaks during my pregnancy! I found myself laying in bed reading mommy blogs and the light bulb turned on, cloth diapers! The more I looked into it, the more I realized this is for getting Joel on board was my only concern. To my surprise he didn't blink. He was on board and ready to go. Very supportive, one of the many reasons why I love him so much! But then came the hard part. All the different types: fitted, prefolds, covers, AIOs, AI2s, pockets...the list goes on and on. Hemp or organic cotton. All very overwhelming for a first timer, let alone